Dato' Sri Mohd Najib yakin bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional mengganggap pemimpin sebagai mentor yang mampu menunjuk tanggung jawab kepada anggotanya sebagai sarana untuk mencapai aktualisasi diri yang merupakan sarana positif dalam mempromosikan upaya pembangunan tim.

Untuk mencapai hal ini, harus terdapat banyak mekanisme untuk menjamin akuntabilitas dan transparansi sekaligus juga memastikan bahwa ia memiliki 'telinga ke tanah'. Sejalan dengan ini, ada usaha untuk memastikan bahwa pemerintah Malaysia merupakan perwakilan dari kehendak rakyat. Malaysia adalah negara yang sejak kemerdekaannya telah berupaya untuk melaksanakan tata kelola pemerintahan yang demokratis.

Mohd Najib appears to have opted to pursue "The Government Transformation Programme (GTP)" to address seven key areas concerning Malaysia's interest in realizing Malaysia's vision to become a high-income nation by 2020.

It is to this end that this paper is committed, namely to analyzing the important role played by PM Mohd Najib towards outlining a clear vision of national development and whether this is in line with the objective of maqasid shar'iyyah. PM Mohd Najib has been successful in articulating a compelling vision of Malaysia's future and tied a high-income nation's vision to Malaysian citizen values, and ultimately he is capable of being a "transformational leader". To achieve the goals shared between him as a country's leader and Malaysian peoples as his followers, he believed that inspirational motivation is needed, as it provides meaning to achieving this shared vision on "how to make Malaysia as a high-Income Nation by 2020"?. Dato' Sri Mohd Najib believed that transformational leadership posts the leader in the role of mentor whereby he able to designate responsibilities to his followers as a means to achieve self-actualization which is a positive means of promoting team-building efforts. To achieve this, there must be in place numerous mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency while also ensuring that it has an "ear to the ground" so to speak. In line with this, it seeks to ensure that the Malaysian government is representative of the will of the people. Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governance.